Myself, Devon Zdatny and her research team from First and First Consulting took a little look back over the first COVID lockdowns in 2020 (from mid-March onwards) and looked at both social and search data to see how they correlated for different products & helped predict in some cases.
It helps to frame how social is good for detecting some things early and then search data begins to show more of the commercial viability of certain things and how they are reaching mainstream awareness.
Across social & forum sources in particular, by monitoring growing communities, viral content, and impassioned discussions, you are able to pick up signals to predict trends before they take off.
Kind of like how we did with the r/breadit sub-reddit back in mid-March on LinkedIn, curtain bangs recently with TikTok or r/dopaminedetoxing on the letter in early May…
You can click here to access the slides via Google Drive to view and download.
If you have any problems accessing the link, please give me or a shout!